Update: Admin Interface, Delivery Page Tweaks, Squashed Some Bugs

  • Jason@DPD
  • October 30, 2012
  • 1 Comment

This week’s update deals mainly with updates and improvements to the admin interface for vendors.

Admin Interface Update

We add a lot of features to DPD at a rapid pace. As a result, sometimes our admin interface gets a bit cluttered, has mis-matched form styles, and other inconsistencies that drive us nuts and make it harder to use for you guys.

We’ve converted all the forms and UI elements to use the excellent Bootstrap CSS library and Less. You’ll find that all the forms, buttons, page headers, and other elements have a more consistent appearance. It’s also less complicated than our old form styling, so we’ll be able to add features easier in the future. That’s good for everybody!

Delivery Page Tweaks

We removed the “Thank you for your order !” line on the delivery page. People wanted to customize it, remove it, and everything else, so we opted to remove it and let you put your own thank you message in one of the two available text boxes on the delivery page, if you so desire.

We also added a new Theme option for the delivery page- you can now choose to show the invoice link on the delivery page for all orders, just paid orders (free deliveries will have no invoice link), or not show the invoice link at all. This was by popular request, and the default is to “show for all orders.”

You can get to the new invoice link option by logging in to DPD, going to Themes in the left menu, editing your current theme, and going to the Delivery page options. You’ll see the new selection there.

Bugs and Tweaks

We Updated our uploader last week and got rid of the Java based uploader. We’ve had a couple bugs crop up related to it and fixed them.

By vendor request, We added more download time limit options to the pulldown on Store Preferences.

Responses (1) / Trackbacks (0)

    by Tim
    Nov 05th, 2012


    Not to mention actioning my request (in 48 hours!) to add “weeks” to the time frame for subscriptions AND changing the available days from 30-odd out to 365ish.

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