New Google Analytics: Universal Analytics Integration

  • Jason@DPD
  • June 10, 2014
  • No Comments


Today we released a completely new Google Analytics: Universal Analytics integration for all-in-one tracking of your entire sales process and checkout flow with DPD.

The new integration replaces the old Google Analytics eCommerce integration and manually placing code in the Tracking HTML field of your store preferences.

The old Analytics Ecommerce integration should be disabled and all Analytics tracking code removed from the Tracking HTML field under store Preferences for accurate tracking results.

The new Universal Analytics integration is available for all v2 stores in DPD under the Integrations menu.

Note: Uses Universal Analytics

This integration uses Universal Analytics using analytics.js, not the old “classic” analytics javascript. The new Universal Analytics updates faster, tracks better, and loads faster on your website.

If you are using Classic analytics code on your website you must update your tracking code to use this new integration. New code is provided by the integration for use on your website.

The New Universal Analytics Integration Will:

1. Place the appropriate tracking code on each page of your cart and checkout.
2. Optionally display the eCommerce tracking fields on the delivery page once for accurate conversion tracking.
3. Allow you to accurately track referrals, traffic sources, and campaigns.
4. Allow you to accurately track and visualize your goal funnel.
5. Provide you with the necessary Universal Analytics tracking code for you to place on every page of your website to enable cross-domain linking and accurate tracking.

Complete instructions, including how to create goal tracking funnels and more, are in the Knowledgebase entry for Google Analytics: Universal Analytics Integration

Other minor updates / bug fixes in this release:

  • Fixed bug with cancel url to paypal integration
  • Pass through any hoplink params to the target url
  • Fixed support desk code when unauthenticated / passing of registered emails/usernames
  • Improved product caching for speed improvements and space management
  • Fixed validation on purchase refund form
  • Updated cart lightbox code to new responsive version

New Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking Integration

  • Jason@DPD
  • July 20, 2012
  • No Comments

Today we’ve released a new integration that automatically sends transaction information to Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking.  

The integration will pass the following on successful order completion with DPD:

  • DPD purchase ID
  • Order Total
  • Tax and Shipping Totals
  • Items included in the order

This will let you track your sales, view traffic sources and referral info for purchases, generate reports, and more in Google Analytics.

To set up the integration is easy.   Simply go to Integrations in the left menu, find the Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking integration in the list, and click the +Add button.  Enter your Google Analytics account number for the website associated with your cart (found on your account home page after logging in to Analytics) and you’re in business.  No complicated JavaScript or variables- DPD handles all that automatically.

Other Improvements

We’ve also made a change to the way the universal 3rd party tracking integration works- you can now select if the tracking code will be shown once per transaction or every time the delivery page is loaded.  This is useful for preventing false conversions on goal funnels and trackers that track every page load (like Google Analytics and Adwords) by only showing the tracking code once per transaction.

You can enable or disable the “show only once per transaction” option when editing or setting up the 3rd party tracking code integration in your list.