Coming Next Week: All New Vendor Admin
- Jason@DPD
- January 2, 2019
We’re making this post ahead of the update (scheduled for Monday, Jan 7th) so everyone will have a bit of a heads up before the log in and everything looks different. We know change is kinda scary, but we promise this one is a good one. We’ve made it easier to find things, cleaned up the design and navigation, and gave everything a modern facelift!

Simplified Navigation
DPD’s navigation was getting cluttered with years of adding new features to our top-level navigation menu. Most stores had over 25 menu items in the main menu alone, and then sometimes multiple sub-pages and menus to get to the option you needed. It was a real drag, and features are cool and all but if you can’t find them when you need them that’s no good either.
So, we’ve cleaned that up quite a bit!

The new navigation shows what module you’re working in at a glance so you don’t get lost and is greatly simplified so you’re not spending 30 seconds scanning through a giant list of options trying to find the thing you need.
Primary and Secondary Actions
We’ve also refined navigation within modules- Instead of having 4 or 5 top level navigation links for product related functions, now you simply go to the Product list and either do the primary action (the green button) or open up the secondary action menu to do other things.

This same “primary action button, secondary actions menu” system is used throughout DPD. For example: the product detail page which is now the one-stop shop for all product related functions. We’ve tried to make all interactions in DPD linear, with a clear straight line to what you want to do instead of 3 different ways to get to a specific option.

Store Option Consolidation
Previously, we’ve been tacking on checkout options on the theme. You want to turn on the coupon field? You had to go to Theme > Edit Current Theme > Find and open the the checkout page options > Edit and save.
This was terrible for a number of reasons, mainly that it was impossible to find anything and you had to write us a support ticket to figure out where to turn on core functionality of DPD.
So, we fixed it! Now all checkout settings are on a page thats under Settings > Checkout. I know, crazy right?! No more clicking 3 layers deep in to the theme system and going through 12 pages of options to find the one you want.

We’ve also consolidated options like the actual store theme, store policies, error page messages, cart page text blocks, etc. to this page to further reduce menu items and places you have to look.
A million other updates too!
We’ve moved the customer view to a timeline layout that lets you see when notes and purchases were made in chronological order, and added stats like Lifetime Value (LTV) and lifetime purchases. We also try to pull in their Gravatar if they’ve set one up so you can put a face with a name, as shown by the ruggedly good looking customer below.

Pages like the Payment Methods page and Integrations page are cleaned up and easier to read and interact with and reflect how most people use DPD.

All in all, this update has touched every single page of the DPD vendor admin and we’ve spent hundreds of hours of development time working on it. We hope everyone likes it! As always, if anyone has a question about where to find something, needs to report a bug, or just general feedback please send us a support ticket or start a live chat from the admin and we’ll do our best to help!