DPD Update: Send to Dropbox

  • Jason@DPD
  • April 16, 2015

In this week’s update we have a new feature for customers- they can now send their downloads directly to their Dropbox account instead of downloading.

This new option, which can be disabled on a per-store basis by the vendor under Store Preferences, adds a “Send to Dropbox” button for each downloadable file on the delivery page:


Clicking the Send To Dropbox button will open a dialog that lets the customer log in to their Dropbox account and decide which folder the item should be placed in:


Once the buyer tells Dropbox where to save the file thats it! Dropbox will copy the file directly from DPD to the buyer’s Dropbox folder and sync with their desktop and devices.

We think this will be great for all customers, letting them reliably download files even when they have a poor connection, but Vendors can disable the Send to Dropbox option on a per-store basis by going to Store Preferences in the left menu and unchecking the “Enable Send to Dropbox” option.

Other bug fixes in this release:

  • Fixed a cart issue when a country that does not use states / provinces still displayed a state selection.
  • Fixed invoice translations being applied and made invoice use standard language translation pulldown.
  • Fixed buttontext and buttonhoverbg colors not applying to the checkout button in the cart.
  • Fixed not being able to uncheck the “Show once per sale” option on conversion tracking integration.

DPD Update: Expanded Support, AWeber Integration Upgraded, Admin and Cart Tweaks

  • Jason@DPD
  • March 30, 2015
  • No Comments

Expanded Support and Live Chat

You may have noticed that a new guy has been responding to tickets lately. Several months ago we brought on Chase as a part time customer support rep to answer tickets daily, and today I’m happy to announce we’ve added him as a full-time member of the DPD team. I’m sure everyone will enjoy faster responses to their support tickets and more staff means more features for everyone!

Speaking of more features, we’ve also added live chat support to the DPD Admin for all logged in vendors. When support is available the live chat tab will show “Chat with Us” and when nobody is available for live chat it will show “Submit Support Ticket.” We also have the Knowledge-base available 24/7 that has answers to the most common questions.

Updated AWeber Integration

We’ve upgraded our AWeber integration to use the new API method to add buyers to your AWeber lists. This should be much more reliable than the old parser method where we sent a signup email to sometimes-monitored-sometimes-down AWeber email address.

Because its an API method and we get a response from AWeber for each signup we are also able to log the action in each purchase’s Log section at the bottom of the purchase detail page:

AWeber Logging

Now if someone didn’t get subscribed to a list you can quickly check the transaction and see why- if there is an error response it will be listed there.

Those vendors with existing parser AWeber integrations will need to upgrade to the new API method. You’ll need to disable your old parser based integration (marked as Not Supported) and enable the new API based method, which is super easy.

Any new integrations added will automatically be the new API method since we’re ending support for the old parser based method.

You can read more about it by going to the AWeber Integration Instructions in our KB.

Other items in this release:

  • Fixed white-space collapsing in v3 EULA.
  • Fixed contact vendor feature of affiliate program.
  • Added display of available product keys on product/list (table view) and the purchase action list.
  • Added current store name to store chooser partial at the top of the nav menu.

DPD Update: New Admin Interface, Responsive Cart tweaks and fixes

  • Jason@DPD
  • March 18, 2015

This morning we released a major update to the DPD admin that brings it in line with our new branding that we’re rolling out across the site. You’ll notice a new, cleaner admin after you log in to DPD.

Don’t be alarmed! We didn’t remove or move around any of the key pages so everything is where it used to be. Here are some of the key changes:

New Header Design / User Menu Layout:

We’ve changed the header to be cleaner and contain all user options, including switching to affiliate mode and logout, in the user menus.

New User Menu

We also moved the store selection and “Add New Store” buttons to the top of the left navigation menu:


New Grid and Table views for the product list:

We realize there are a couple different categories of DPD users when it comes to number of products- ones with a handful and ones with a ton. To make DPD easier to use for both, we have added new grid and table views to the product list.

The grid view is great for those with a few products. To get to the options for a product you just move your mouse over it and the context menu displays:


The table view is great for those with lots of products, or “Pro” users who want quick access to all product functions from one context menu:


Which view you use is completely up to you- you can select it using the buttons beside the filter and we’ll default to that view each time you return to the product list. To select the view to use:


This is part of our ongoing branding update while we move all services to the new DPD logo and color scheme. You may have noticed the new logo in notification emails and other places around DPD. Next up we’ll be updating the sales site, so don’t be alarmed when it looks completely different one day- we’re still the same service with a new look.

We welcome feedback on the new admin style and product list options, or the new branding in general. Please drop us a line and let us know what you think.

Other Fixes and Tweaks in this update:

  • Cart: Fixed email merge var for Dansk translation
  • Admin: Removed zendesk tab, added zopim chat/support tab to new admin
  • Cart: Fixed v3 cart X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN error for some PayPal checkouts
  • Admin: Fixed Broken dashboards stats in some cases
  • PDF Stamping: Changed PDF encryption to allow annotations when enabled.
  • Cart: Updated State / Province translation for da_DK
  • Cart: Removed “Language” in favor of globe icon
  • Cart: Additional translation for Sweedish
  • Cart: Translations for “Add to Cart” and “View Cart”
  • Cart: Fixed Sweedish Krona Symbol
  • Admin: Allow iframe embeds in ckEditor
  • Affiliates: Fixed payout rates for flat rate amounts displaying correctly
  • Cart: Removed markdown from short descriptions
  • Cart: Fixed order countries by priority, then name
  • Admin: Resolve product update subject lines
  • Cart: Fixed SagePay fields from sometimes showing on other CC forms
  • Cart: Fixed Return if no method was selected
  • Cart: Added noscript tag to no-javascript warning on v3

Introducing the New Responsive Cart and Checkout

  • Jason@DPD
  • February 17, 2015

Today we’re happy to announce the newest version of the DPD cart and checkout. The new v3 version of our cart and checkout is now fully responsive for mobile devices, includes a slick one page checkout, and features new hosted product pages in addition to the cart index.

The New Cart

The new and improved Version 3 cart and checkout brings with it several changes that we think you will love:

DPD responsive one page checkout

Responsive Cart Design. v3 blends a flat, modern look, with responsive design to make your store look great on all devices, big and small.

For the developers and designers out there, we based the new cart on Bootstrap 3‘s responsive grid system so it should be easy to customize.

One Page Checkout. DPD checkout now takes place on one page, with DPD loading whatever forms it needs (shipping, tax, etc.) based on what is in the cart. Where checkouts would previously be up to three pages they are now a single dynamic page. We’ve significantly shortened the conversion funnel for vendors which is proven to lead to more checkout completions.

More Languages. We’ve added 20 more languages to the DPD checkout! We’ve also made it easier to update translations in the future.

Hosted Product Pages

While you still have the option of adding our add-to-cart buttons to your website, DPD now provides hosted product pages that you can link to directly from your website, app, or even ads and forum posts. The hosted product pages use that mysterious “Long Description” field from product setup that we said we’d use in the future.


New Responsive Email Templates

To match our new responsive cart we’ve also updated our email templates to a new responsive design.

If you’ve already customized your emails we didn’t overwrite them- you can get the updated responsive emails by clicking the “Switch to Default” link on any email editor page.


How to upgrade

All new stores will automatically be v3-enabled. Existing stores only take a couple of clicks. Please take a look at our KB article that guides you through the steps.

Upgrade to DPD’s Responsive v3 Cart

We’ve worked hard to make this cart great. Please let us know what you think!

Coming soon!

We have a lot planned for 2015. Already in development we have session based download controls, a hosted ebook reader to help prevent sharing, Buy Now Widgets, pay-what-you-want products, and the return of subscriptions among several other changes.

Planned Maintenance Event for Jan 13, 2015 @ 11:00 PM ET

  • Jason@DPD
  • January 13, 2015
  • No Comments

Tonight we will be applying required security and stability updates to our primary web servers. This even will require a server restart and will result in a brief period of downtime for all DPD users while the servers reboot and come online.

This means that some or all DPD stores and the DPD admin will be offline during the maintenance period while software is updated.

We are going to be performing this maintenance at 11:00 PM ET and expect it to last less than 30 minutes.

See what time this is in your time zone here.

Planned maintenance events like these are rare but important to ensure the stability and safety of DPD. We generally only perform these a couple times a year or when a critical security vulnerability is found in software running on the machines, so we thank you for your patience and understanding.

More EU-VAT 2015 Updates, New Invoice Tweaks

  • Jason@DPD
  • December 30, 2014

We’ve just released several small tweaks to our EU-VAT 2015 support, new invoice, and admin:

EU-VAT 2015 Custom Rates

You can now enter your own country specific rates for EU-VAT countries that override the default rate. While the default published rates will work for most people, there are some special classes of product in some countries that have a non-standard rate. You can now enter the optional rate in the VAT tax integration.

EU-VAT 2015 Custom Rates

Invoice Tweaks:

Based on feedback on our new invoice format, we’ve done the following:

  • Compacted the layout so that it prints on one page. Note: Adding extra text to the invoice, or invoices with many items may force it to print on more than 1 page.
  • Fixed store logo on invoices where it wasn’t displaying in some cases
  • Added invoice option to disaply custom fields
  • Added invoice.css to theme assets so you can customize the invoice CSS to your liking

Added Country Blacklist Rules:

For vendors who want to restrict sale of their products from specific countries you can now create Country blacklist rules by going to Blacklist in the left menu, adding a new rule, and selecting the country.

The country blacklist works on GeoIP lookup using the buyer’s IP address.

Vendors can also always edit their Supported Countries under Shipping to remove countries they do not want to allow sale to from the shipping address country selector.

EU-VAT 2015 Module and New Invoice Released

  • Jason@DPD
  • December 29, 2014
  • 1 Comment

We’re making a lot of EU-VAT related changes here at the end of the year and updates will be rolling out over the next couple days in preparation for the Jan 1st deadline. Here are the current changes:

New EU-VAT 2015 Module Released:

This weekend we released the new EU-VAT 2015 tax module.

You can now configure your stores for the 2015 EU-VAT changes by following the instructions in this updated KB article:


EU-VAT changes that are being released in the next few days:

  • Set your own EU-VAT 2015 rate per tax class (we’ll provide the default country rates, you can override them if you sell a special class of item)
  • We’re going to record the tax class and update the reporting to show rate charged by tax class (for when you set a non-standard rate as above).
  • Expanding the reporting after the 1st. This is non-critical for the 1st since reports are due quarterly, but we’ll get it in there in the next week or so.

Tax Advice:

We have had a flood of tickets asking us for tax advice. I’m sorry, but we’re not tax professionals and we are not qualified to give you tax advice. We strongly encourage you to speak to your accountant or tax professional for advice on if you need to collect EU-VAT.

Specifically, we have been asked by numerous US vendors who have no tax nexus in the EU if they have to collect VAT for EU sales. This has prompted a number of US vendors to ask for the option to disable EU sales completely. We strongly suggest you speak to your accountant or tax professional on if this is a wise decision and the enforceability of EU tax law on non-EU countries.

  • Based on the feedback we’re getting in tickets, we will be implementing the blocking of sales to EU countries. However, this is a large project and it may not be released by the 1st.

New Invoice Template:

As part of the EU-VAT 2015 changes and as a general upgrade to all DPD stores we have implemented a new invoice template based on Bootstrap 3 for responsiveness and print layout for all stores running the current cart version. This new invoice includes all sales data collected by default. It also includes the required EU-VAT 2015 data.

The invoice is now a set template that that includes everything a vendor has ever asked us to include on the template- literally everything from the purchase. There are the standard above / below text areas like every other page of the cart so you can add custom text.

We have already received some feedback on the new invoice. Some of it is good, some bad.

We are going to make the following changes to the invoice over the next few days based on that feedback:

  • Make custom field responses shown on the invoice optional (Theme -> Invoice Page Option checkbox)
  • Compact the layout a bit to keep it printing on one page
  • Show store name or logo correctly at the top of the invoice. This is bug that is being corrected ASAP.
  • Add an invoice-custom.css to the theme assets for advanced customization if desired.

2015 EU-VAT Changes

  • Jason@DPD
  • December 16, 2014

EU VAT laws are changing for electronic service, or ‘e-service’, providers. Today, in line with existing EU VAT rules, the VAT on e-services is charged based on the location of the merchant but, from 01 January 2015, the VAT on e-services must be calculated based on the end customer’s location.

Changes to DPD and your Sales Process

There are a number of changes that vendors have to make:

  • Identify the location of their customers and collect evidence
  • Validate VAT numbers for B2B transactions
  • Apply the correct VAT rate and display it on invoices in destination currency
  • Issue e-invoices in the destination language
  • Store evidence for 10 years
  • Create a quarterly EU MOSS return
  • Be audit ready

We have been busy making changes to DPD to meet the new 2015 EU-VAT regulations. These changes will be available as a new 2015 EU VAT tax class available in the tax setup section of your DPD store prior to Jan 1st 2015.

Identify the location of their customers and collect evidence

DPD already collects the shipping address for the customer and IP address and stores them with the transaction in DPD. This meets VAT location identification requirements.

Validate VAT numbers for B2B transactions

DPD verifies that VAT IDs are valid using VIES when they are entered in the cart.

Apply the correct VAT rate and display it on invoices in destination currency

DPD is changing our VAT rate calculations to meet the new destination based 2015 rules. These rules can be summed up as:

  • Same zone, with VAT ID = Buyer charged VAT
  • Same zone, without VAT ID = Buyer charged VAT
  • Different zone, with VAT ID = No VAT charged
  • Different zone, without VAT ID = Destination VAT charged
  • non-EU = No VAT charged.

We will be doing automatic currency conversion, using Open Exchange Rates for the VAT amount charged at the time of sale to put the VAT amount charged in the destination country’s currency.

Issue e-invoices in the destination language

DPD has completely rewritten the invoice template to include all required information including seller and buyer address and VAT info. We have translated the entire invoice to the 26 languages commonly in use in the EU.

Store evidence for 10 years, Create a quarterly EU MOSS return, Be audit ready

We have made it easy, through a new VAT Report view to export what VAT you have charged for each country. We have also made the above changes to the invoices so that you can print them out and store a record of the transactions to meet any and all record keeping requirements.

DPD will keep your transactions for as long as you are a customer, but we are not a long-term data storage provider. You should always keep a record of your transactions for record keeping and audit compliance reasons.

How to set up the 2015 EU-VAT Rules in DPD

On Jan 1st you will need to switch your stores over to using the new 2015 EU-VAT Tax Rules.

1. Log in to DPD
2. Go to Preferences in the left menu for each store and enter your VAT ID and location information, then save.
2. Go to Tax in the left menu for each store
3. Edit each tax class and remove any old “VAT” or “EU-VAT” rules from your existing table rate tax classes, then save
4. Enable the new 2015 EU-VAT tax rules for each tax class.

DPD Update: PDF Stamping Improvements, Better Key Management, Minor Tweaks

  • Jason@DPD
  • September 29, 2014
  • 1 Comment

This weekend we released a major update to the PDF stamping system as well as tweaked a few settings for vendors.

PDF Stamper – Faster, Leaner, use Any PDF Version

We have upgraded our PDF Stamping / Buyer Tracking system to be faster and use less memory on our server for each stamp operation. This means we can reliably stamp larger PDF files than our previously published 30MB recommendation. Our new recommended maximum file size is 75MB. If your file is larger please test to make sure we can open and stamp your PDF.

We have also improved our PDF version support- we now support any PDF version, although you should always test advanced features added to PDFs (Reader Extended, Forms) before offering your product to the public. We do our best to support everything, but due to the million different combinations of features its hard to guarantee compatibility with every PDF.

Always preview your PDF or send yourself a free download before offering your product to the public! If the preview link on the setup page doesn’t load the PDF correctly then your PDF can’t be opened or stamped for some reason. Consult the KB for PDF stamping or send us a support request to take a look.

As always, to stamp a PDF we need an unencrypted (unsecured) PDF uploaded to DPD. You can optionally encrypt the PDF after stamping in our system if you must delver them encrypted. You should be aware though- most mobile devices can not open encrypted PDFs.

Other tweaks and improvements:

  • Upgraded the manage key codes page to allow for selecting and deleting multiple keys at once.
  • Updated DKK currency to DKr
  • Added ability to force shipping address collection even if products or tax/shipping rules do not require it.
  • Tweaked Google Analytics integration to properly track purchases that go to pending (such as e-check payments) instead of being activated immediately.
  • Other small backend improvements to speed and deployment performance
  • Added #support-message ID to the support message on the delivery page so it can be hidden or styled with your theme’s custom.css

DPD Now Supports Groups in Mailchimp Lists

  • Jason@DPD
  • September 17, 2014
  • No Comments

Freddie_winkWe’re happy to announce that this morning we released another often requested feature- group support for Mailchimp integrations.

As always, vendors can select which mailing list they want to send buyers from a store to. Now, you can also optionally specify group options for subscribers based on store or product.

Store Group

If you want to use the same mailing list across multiple stores, DPD now lets you put all purchases from a specific store into a Mailchimp group.

By using a store group you’ll be able to segment sending to your list shared across multiple stores by the store they purchased from.

Product Groups

We’ve also added the ability to assign a group to the purchase of specific products.

This will allow you to laser focus your campaigns to a specific product or products purchased.

Mailchimp Group Support

Using Mailchimp Groups with DPD:

1. Set up your groups in Mailchimp.

2. Log in to DPD and go to Integrations in the left menu of DPD.

3. Add a new Mailchimp integration, or edit your existing integration.

4. Once you have entered your Mailchimp API key and selected your list DPD will automatically pull in the groups for the selected mailing list.

5. Simply assign which group you would like all purchases in the store to be assigned to under Store Group and/or add product specific rules below by selecting the product and then selecting which group we should tag the subscriber with.

You can use any combination of the store group and product specific groups (or just one or the other) at once.